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Sustainable Together

The challenge of reducing our water footprint and meeting our goals requires collaboration across all levels of Carolina. Developing this plan required campus-wide collaboration. Thank you to UNC Energy Services and UNC Environment, Health and Safety for providing data and insights for this plan.

With ambitious plans for water sustainability also comes the need for funding. While most of the strategies and ideas outlined in this Water Plan rely on decisions made at the institutional level, Carolina students, staff and faculty can adopt behaviors promoting water sustainability and conservation.

We encourage individuals to learn about the quantified water impacts of every day choices, talk to their peers about water sustainability and keep an eye out for new tools to help shrink water footprints. The Carolina community is moving toward our new ambitious water goals together.

If you would like to leave feedback about the Water Plan, visit our feedback page.


Developing this Water Plan required a campus-wide collaboration. Thank you for all of the help through all stages of development. The following groups
provided data or insights that helped form this plan: UNC Energy Services and UNC Environment, Health and Safety.


If you would like to leave feedback about the Water Plan, email us at