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By the numbers: Reducing campus GHGs

October 24, 2022

Our 2021Greenhouse Gases: By the Numbers report breaks down campus emissions and illustrates the strides the University is making toward its 2040 climate neutrality goal.

Join us for the 2022 Sustainability Social

August 18, 2022

Sustainable Carolina is hosting a Sustainability Social on Wednesday, August 31 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Student Union Gift Plaza. Twenty-two student organizations, University departments, and community partners will be represented at the Social. During the event, … Read more

Design a device sustainability competition open for entries

August 15, 2022

Sustainable Carolina’s first-ever design competition is open for project submissions. Design a Device encourages students to communicate or demonstrate a sustainability concept through creation of an interactive, educational exhibit.

Sustainability Courses at UNC-Chapel Hill

August 4, 2022

Sustainable Carolina released a searchable, comprehensive list of sustainability-related courses at UNC-Chapel Hill. The list is a resource for students who want to learn more about the interconnectedness of society, ecology, and economics.

Digging into Nutrient Cycling in Carolina’s Streams

June 17, 2022

After 75 years underground, Carolina’s stormwater experts brought Battle Branch Creek back to life through stream daylighting. The process slows down water and removes sediments and nutrients from the water. Since 2016 the project has thrived, but one important measurement of success has yet to be evaluated: nutrient cycling.

Biking toward a sustainable, and safer future

May 5, 2022

Since 1956, The League of American Bicyclists has celebrated National Bike Month every May.

The celebration focuses on individual and community well-being, along with “safer streets, connected communities, a healthier planet, and happier people.” Bike to Work Week is coming up the week of May 16-22, and Bike to Work Day is on May 20.

Hurricanes, Climate Change and Community Resilience

April 28, 2022

Resilience is the capacity to recover after a disaster. As climate change threatens to increase hurricane frequency and strength, community resilience will be key for coastal communities.